No specifications are made, you could freely choose what you want to paint. The basics and the technique are discussed.
You create your own oil painting and get an overview in the oil painting technique.
You can choose from about 100 motifs available in the studio or bring your own painting motive and paint them.
The course starts and ends on specific dates.
The course cannot be rescheduled due to any reason (illness, vacation ect). The missed sessions are forfeited without replacement.
When: once a week either on Monday from 7 to 9 p.m.,or Sunday 2 to 4 p.m.
Duration: 1 month (one time a week 2 hours)
Start: on specific dates
Number of places: 5
Materials: Oil paints, canvas (30x40/40x50/40x60/50X50/50X70/60X70), brushes
Participants: Everyone, the experience or previous knowledge is not necessary
Take home/transport: The paintings could be taken home immediately and will be packaged for transport. Alternatively, they could stay in the studio and be picked up later.
Price: 120 EUR for four units (incl. all materials and drinks)